'Best Workout Warm Up | Full Length Warmup | Natalie Jill'

'Best Workout Warm Up | Full Length Warmup | Natalie Jill'
03:36 Feb 5, 2021
'3 Days to Jump start your fat loss for FREE: http://www.TheQuickBodyReset.com   SUBSCRIBE for weekly episodes and bonuses: http://bit.ly/1J4MjYk  The BEST Workout Warmup Today we are doing the BEST workout warmup. It\'s super simple, easy to do, and will get everything warmed up and ready for your workout. Did you know that most of us have tight hip flexors and are QUAD dominant? As a result, we do not use our glutes and hamstrings to their maximum ability during our workouts. This workout will help you warm up your hip flexors, loosening your quads, and getting your hamstrings and quads ready to work!  Best Workout Warmup #1 Start on your back with your legs straight out in front of you and your lower back pressed into the floor. You can bend a leg if you need to, but make sure the small of your back is pressed against the ground and that you are breathing. Raise and lower one leg repeatedly. Do this for 15 seconds and then switch sides.  Best Workout Warmup #2 Press your heels into the ground and point your toes forward. Push through the heels and drive your butt up off the ground. You should be squeezing your glutes and your hamstrings, not using your lower back. Do this for 30 seconds.  Best Workout Warmup #3 Move into a plank position on your hands. Bring your right leg up by your hands and twist your body, raising your right hand up in the air. Step the right leg back, and then repeat on your left. Do this for 30 seconds.  Best Workout Warmup #4 For the dynamic hip flexor stretch, you want to get on your knees, bring one leg up into a 90 degree angle. Pulse forward slightly. Make sure you keep everything tight, and that you don\'t have an arch in your back. You should feel this stretching your hip flexors. Do one side for 15 seconds and then switch to the other side.  Visit me anytime on my WEBSITE: http://www.nataliejillfitness.com/ ▶ Get Natalie\'s Newest Workout DVD at http://bit.ly/1Jn0xjd ▶ Do Natalie Jill\'s 7 Day Jump Start™ at http://7DayJumpStart.com ▶ Get a PRINTABLE Version of My Workouts at http://bit.ly/1Ij0P9R  Let\'s Connect and Chat on Social Media! ▶ Instagram: http://Instagram.com/Nataliejillfit ▶ Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Nataliejillfit  ▶ Pinterest: http://Pinterest.com/nataliejillfit ▶ Twitter: http://Twitter.com/nataliejillfit  About Natalie: Hi everyone, thank you so much for subscribing to my channel! What I do is SIMPLIFY fitness and nutrition. My goal is to help you become your BEST YOU through un-processing your diet, training functionally and using your own body weight with limited time and busy schedules. Join me weekly here as I share workouts, tips, nutrition help, recipes, and more!' 

Tags: Natalie Jill , Natalie Jill Fitness , workout warmup , best warmup , best workout warmup , warmup for workout , workout warmup at home , workout warmup video

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